Meeting the Need
A recent workshop hosted by Southern California College Access Network discussed the most pressing needs facing students today: the lack of mental health services and the lack of advisor support.
At DTS we are poised to fully address both needs for our students; they are the cornerstones of our programmatic model. Carmen, our full time Wellness Counselor, provides one-on-one counseling, small group counseling, stress management activities and topical workshops. For students needing greater support, Carmen connects the family directly with therapists to ensure the students receive comprehensive care. DTS covers the cost of these sessions if they are not covered by insurance. Additionally, every student meets weekly with his/her Advisor. Advisor check-ins prioritize whole child wellness and academic progress. Not only do these check-ins increase student accountability for their academics, but they also allow the Advisor and student to identify other barriers to their success and design strategies for collaborating on a path forward.