College Connection: Melissa and Brittany

Brittany is a senior, and Melissa is a freshman, at College of the Holy Cross in Massachusetts. Through their DTS connection, they’ve become friends for life.

Q:  How and when did you originally connect with one another? 

Brittany: The connection between Melissa and I started when I worked as a summer intern for DTS in 2018. I was the lead intern for the College Application Bootcamp program and worked closely  with Melissa and her class. I helped her start the college application process through brainstorming ideas for her college essays and talking to her about college life.

Melissa: Brittany was really engaged with my peers and me and always made me feel really comfortable. She made me feel less stressed about the entire admissions process. 

Q:  Did you spend any time together before Melissa started school at Holy Cross?

Melissa: Brittany and I met up the week before I left for Holy Cross. She asked me what I was nervous about and she assured me the transition was much easier than what I was imagining. Once she arrived on campus, we met up again. 

Brittany: I shared with her a bit of my experience and told her how I was in her same shoes just three years ago. I let her know everything would be fine. 

Q:  How does it feel to have another DTS student on campus?

Brittany: It feels great to have another DTS student on campus since we have a lot to bond over being from Los Angeles and having been a part of DTS for all of our high school experience. Because of the relationship I have built with Melissa over the years with DTS, I feel we have been able to form a real relationship.  We check in with each other about how we are doing.

Melissa:  Since the day I met Brittany she became more than a mentor/peer, she became my friend. I feel really comfortable sharing everything with her: a problem I am having, what I am stressed about, or simply hanging out for fun or to do homework. Brittany has also helped me stay rooted to my passion for activism by encouraging me to join MECha and to become a MECha intern. She also gives me insight on how to deal with my different peers. I feel like every encounter I have with Brittany lightens my mood because there is always laughter when we hang out! 

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