Our Summer Programs so far

The rising high school seniors spent five full days at the DTS office working on many elements of their college applications. They were very productive and completed important tasks – including finalizing their college lists, activity charts, brag sheets, and even a UC personal statement! They also practiced interview skills.
Now they are off to residential college programs and/or leadership programs and will return to the office in early August to knock out additional tasks.

Congratulations to the College 2027 Class on completing the week-long, intensive Bridge to College in Ojai. The rising freshmen participated in daily classes taught by interns and staff to help ready them for their first year of college. Outside of the classroom, the group went hiking, horseback riding, played games, cooked meals together, made s’mores and explored the town of Ojai.

Last week we spent 4 days and 3 nights in Big Bear. During the day, students participated in a wide range of activities including rock climbing, arts and crafts, canoeing, zip lining, and more! The evenings were also fun filled – making s’mores, singing camp songs with the counselors, singing our hearts out during karaoke night, dancing up a storm at the dance party, and all kinds of performances during the talent show. Fun was had by all!