Thank you, Denik!
Thank you to Denik for donating 75 beautiful planners. The DTS curriculum for executive functioning skill development requires high school students to practice time management and organization on a daily basis so that the habit is solidified long before they begin college. Using a school planner is key to that practice. With planners costing between $12 and $20 dollars a piece, Denik’s generous donation not only elevates the quality of planner we provide, but allows us to reduce costs.
With the motto ART CAN CHANGE THE WORLD, Denik is a company making a difference. Denik gathers artists from across the globe and puts their work on journals, notebooks and sketchbooks. With every unique and beautiful product sold, a portion of the proceeds goes directly to building schools worldwide and to supporting the artist. To date, Denik has participated in fully funding four schools in Laos, Guatemala and Mali. Do some good and check out Denik at