College Student Spotlight
The DTS college preparation curriculum encompasses much more than the nuts and bolts of applying to college. Our goal is for every DTS student to arrive on their respective college campus poised for success. One key element in the college-going process is the art and science of helping our students identify their best-fit schools.
Martha, member of the College 2023 Class, and a freshman at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine, checked in with DTS this month. She reported, “I love it here at Bates. I love the atmosphere, the people, the environment, my classes. I know this sounds very cliche, but the moment that I set foot on campus for the first time, I knew that this was the college for me. I just felt at home. I have made so many friends and met so many amazing teachers. The most valuable thing I have right now is time, and I am so excited to be investing my time here at Bates.”