The list below highlights how DTS staff has been engaged with students and families over the last two weeks to ensure they are getting the support they need:

  • Provided remote IT services, including teaching kids how to use Zoom, how to use a hot spot, and troubleshooting technical difficulties
  • Procured and delivered laptop computers and other essential school supplies
  • Supplied WiFi for families that cannot wait for free services to start
  • Provided students with novels needed for school and pleasure reading
  • Provided extensive tutoring in all subjects
  • Provided one-on-one emotional support and mental health services for both students and their parents
  • Provided information and resources to help manage stress, support the immune system, and take physical care of oneself at home
  • Helped high school seniors apply for college scholarships and decipher their financial aid award letters from the colleges they were accepted to
  • Provided weekly check-ins to help students develop effective study habits as they transition to online school platforms, including creating study schedules and setting up a work space
  •  Explained the pandemic and best practices for keeping families safe
  • Helped students communicate with siblings and parents about when they need alone time for classes and studying 
  • Helped college students communicate with professors about creating class schedules that accommodate different time zones 
  • Flew college students home
  • Purchased groceries for families with no sources of income and who will not benefit from the stimulus package
  • Added a wellness edition of the DTS student/family weekly blast
  • Connected students to one another in a weekly council session
  • Connected families to one another in a weekly group stillness session
  • Created an online peer tutoring network
  • LISTENED to our students and families and let them know that we are here for them

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